世界速讯:yellow submarine中文_yellow submarine
2023-05-31 02:05:03 互联网


1、Yellow Submarine  5261歌手:The Beatles 专辑:4102《Yellow Submarine》  1653(Lennon/McCartney)  In the town  where I was born  Lived a man who sailed to sea  And he told  us of his life  In the land  of submarines  So we sailed  up to the sun  Till we found  the sea of green  And we lived  beneath the waves  In our yellow  submarine  We all live in a yellow submarine,  yellow submarine,  yellow submarine  We all live in a yellow submarine,  yellow submarine,  yellow submarine  And our friends are all on board  Many more of them  live next door  And the band  begins to play  We all live in a yellow submarine,  yellow submarine,  yellow submarine  We all live in a yellow submarine,  yellow submarine,  yellow submarine  As we live  a life of ease  Everyone of us  has all we need  Sky of blue  and sea of green  In our yelllow  submarine  We all live in a yellow submarine,  yellow submarine,  yellow submarine  We all live in a yellow submarine,  yellow submarine,  yellow submarine  We all live in a yellow submarine,  yellow submarine,  yellow submarine  We all live in a yellow submarine,  yellow submarine,  yellow submarine  在我出生的那个城镇里住着一个航海的男人  他告诉我们他在潜水艇里的生活  于是我们一直航行至天亮,直到我们找到了蔚蓝的大海  我们住在波涛下面的黄色潜水艇里  我们都住在黄色潜水艇里,黄色潜水艇啊。

2、黄色潜水艇  我们都住在黄色潜水艇里,黄色潜水艇啊,黄色潜水艇  我们的朋友都在船上。

3、他们大都住在我们的隔壁  乐队开始演奏  我们都住在黄色潜水艇里,黄色潜水艇啊,黄色潜水艇  我们都住在黄色潜水艇里。

4、黄色潜水艇啊,黄色潜水艇  我们过着安逸的生活,每个人都拥有想要的东西  蓝天碧水。

5、在黄色潜水艇里  我们都住在黄色潜水艇里,黄色潜水艇啊,黄色潜水艇  我们都住在黄色潜水艇里。

6、黄色潜水艇啊,黄色潜水艇  我们都住在黄色潜水艇里,黄色潜水艇啊。

7、黄色潜水艇  我们都住在黄色潜水艇里,黄色潜水艇啊,黄色潜水艇。




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